One social network. Sober use and a sense of propriety.
A Castle Amid the Online Landscape
Long ago, walled cities and towns rose above the Western wilderness as the embodiment of civilization. The extent of their walls was the extent of organized human society. It was virtuous and rational human willpower evinced as a pinnacle of masonry over a primordial world where civilization wasn’t ubiquitous at all times and in all places. Highwaymen, pirates, brigands, raiders, and others of ill repute still hid in desolate corners of the land, in whose hands the law meant nothing. The castle was an overt sign of good earthly authority opposed to fallen pandemonium, a necessary and deliberate act which Modern man, in his decadence, doesn’t have the context to understand.
Today, the internet is the well established norm for communication. It’s almost impossible to avoid using – but the virtue of civilized man is not here ubiquitous in all times and all places. The egalitarian principle behind computer communication has permitted the worst and loudest filth, propaganda, and vanity to pervert even children, so that all of society’s discourse is reduced to the meanest and most evil member. Contore means to stand as a castle just as our forebears erected against historic outlaws and their anarchy. We again need testaments of overt and fortified civilization, where her unassuming regularity, tranquil business, and modest participants can prosper within.
How to Join
We verify that our users are real members of the community. That way, networking is meaningful, interactions are high quality, and users can be themselves!
Qualify for the Association
Contore is the online social network for eligible members of the Association for the Establishment of Public Traditionalism in America, whose mission calls to provide the community with unified infrastructure. Regular “membership” is called Entrancy, and getting it is easy! EPTA provides detailed explanation on its own web site about our worldview and strategy, along with handy resources for converts!
Enroll via Contore
- If you joined neither EPTA nor Contore yet, sign up for both with Contore’s integrated enrollment to get a discount!
- If you already enrolled in EPTA but didn’t sign up for Contore, register here.
Your identification is tied with your Contore online profile, making it easy to manage your information and connect with real-life peers.
Meet with a Registrar
Dues-paying Entrants (whether signing up with Contore’s integrated entrollment or not) must be accepted by a Registrar to activate a Contore account. The Registrar closest to your address will schedule the appointment with you. Registrars also frequent official EPTA events. Foreign supporters may be exempt. Is there not a registrar close by? Consider volunteering with EPTA first to make it easier for others!
What Sets Contore Apart
Faithfully Catholic

Local and Accountable

Unlike for-profit mainstream apps which thrive on debasing users and eroding local identity, Contore is run by a United States confessional nonprofit that’s legally obligated to operate for the welfare of its regional community. We don’t tolerate foreign or capitalist special interests.
Integrated Experience

Contore is an originating online identity – your starting place and home while on the internet – from your own email address and instant messaging, to friends, business networks, religion, buying and selling, and even courtship, all with only one secure account that respects your convictions.
Strong Relationships

Our interface counters online atomization and polarization by reinforcing real-life status and relationships. Connections and hierarchies that provide identity, accountability, and purpose displace the familiar horizontal, feed-based homepage which most users tolerate elsewhere.
Parasocial Design

The internet is a powerful tool. History proves amply that neither ludditism nor hedonism are Catholic mindsets. Contore aims to enrich an ailing, disconnected traditionalist community through empowering intentional communities and discouragement of attention economy.
Private and Personal

Valuable interactions only occur with sincerity and candor – but too much exposure creates risk and a temptation to ingenuine human respect. A perfect balance is struck via mandatory identification accompanied by encryption and content screens between unfamiliar accounts.
Features such as: E-mail, instant messaging, forum, courtship, online marketplace, organizations, church bulletins, &c.
Help Make Contore Happen
EPTA is looking for volunteers for all positions.
EPTA and its projects, like Contore, are non-profit endeavors meant to make the world a better place. But Contore can’t sustain itself without volunteer efforts from people like you. It’s a labor of love, and there’s currently more labor than people. Starting a social media platform is an enormous undertaking that usually has a five or six-digit price tag. Our teams knows we can do it without the capital investment that for-profit companies need, but we need your help to accomplish that. If you have programming or other experience, please contact [email protected] for details.